MEPCO Bill Calculator

Calculate your estimated MEPCO electricity bill easily. Simply enter your details below!

This is the end point of your research if you wish to estimate your MEPCO bill as per current MEPCO tariff slabs. Using our MEPCO Bill estimator, one can arrive at an approximate and accurate amount that they will have to pay based on the latest MEPCO tariff. It computes the followings i.e. Electricity cost and Fixed Tax applicable to the MEPCO Bill. So enter the units used and see what your likely bill would be.

Your Estimated Bill

Units Consumed:


Bill Amount:

PKR 0.00

How Does MEPCO Calculator Work?

This calculator uses MEPCO's tariff structure to estimate your electricity bill based on the number of units consumed and your connection type. It also includes the fixed taxes that are applied on every bill. It is important to note that these values are approximate and for informational purposes only. The exact bill can vary due to additional taxes, subsidies or adjustments.

MEPCO Tariff Plans and Bill Rates Explained

The tariff is the rate per unit charged on your mepco bill. The tariff varies for different consumers due to various reasons such as the number of units consumed, consumer category etc. Generally, the ariff rate increases proportional to the units consumed. This is because MEPCO aims to provide subsidies to the lower class, charging them a lower rate as they consume less energy. This policy also encourages people to save energy. Moreover, the tariff for commercial and industrial consumers is higher than that for residential consumers.

A1 - Residential Category

Consumption Slab Base Charges Unit Price Varicable Charges
For Sanctioned load < 5 kW
1-100 Units 30.64 23.69
101 - 200 Units 33.76 30.07
201-300 Units 36.89 34.26
301-400 units 200 39.93 39.16
401-500 Units 400 41.15 41.36
501-600 Units 600 42.40 42.78
601-700 Units 800 43.79 43.92
Above 700 Units 1000 48.84 48.84
For Sanctioned load 5 kW & above
Time of Use Peak - 44.44
Off-Peak - 38.15
Peak - 48.00
Off-Peak - 41.68

In this category, the minimum fixed monthly charges when no energy is consumed are as follows:

Single Phase Connections

Rs. 75/- per consumer per month

Three Phase Connections

Rs. 150/- per consumer per month

A2 - Commercial Sector

Consumption Slab Base Charges Unit Price Varicable Charges
For Sanctioned load < 5 kW 1000 37.99 38.59
For Sanctioned load 5 kW and above 1250 40.91 40.91
Time Of Use 1250 Peak - 45.32
Off-Peak - 34.52
Peak - 44.97
Off-Peak - 36.30
Electric Vehicle Charging Station 42.99 45.55
Pre-Paid Commercial Tariff 1250 45.01 47.10

B - Industrial Sector

Category Base Charges Without PYA With PYA
B1 - Upto 25 kW 1000 29.38 31.95
B2(a) - exceeding 25-500 kW 1250 28.80 31.80
B1 (b) - Upto 25 kW 1000 Peak - 38.29
Off-Peak - 28.64
Peak - 37.89
Off-Peak - 31.20
B2(b)-exceeding 25-500 kW 1250 Peak - 37.34
Off-Peak - 26.64
Peak - 37.83
Off-Peak - 28.56
B3-For All Loads upto 5000 kW 1250 Peak - 37.34
Off-Peak - 26.64
Peak - 37.83
Off-Peak - 29.39
B4-For All Loads at 66,132 kV & above 1250 Peak - 35.95
Off-Peak - 26.06
Peak - 37.83
Off-Peak - 29.11
Pre-Paid Industrial Supply Tariff 1250 42.17


Category Base Charges Without PYA With PYA
D1(a)-SCARP < 5 kW 41.02 41.02
D2(a)-Agricultural Tube Wells 400 36.61 30.05
D1(b)-SCARP 5 kW & above 400 Peak - 44.06
Off-Peak - 35.84
Peak - 43.94
Off-Peak - 35.84
D1(b)-Agricultural 5 kW & above 400 Peak - 30.69
Off-Peak - 29.85
Peak - 30.69
Off-Peak - 29.85
Pre-Paid for Agri & Scarp 400 33.73 37.36
Fixed Minimum Charges for Commercial, Industrial & Agriculture

Fixed charges will be billed based on 50% of the sanctioned load or the actual MDI for the month, whichever is greater.

No minimum monthly charges apply if no energy is consumed.